I am a coffee chugging, clown hating, Jason Statham loving man who believes that a cat video a day keeps the doctor away. And yes, I do dabble with creative Photoshopping and Illustrating as it seems to put a smile on someone's face. I guess I can call myself a creative. A senior one even. I started from being one of the assembly line in a factory called advertising agencies to starting my own company managing clients and creating works that not only gave me money, but earned me some metals that stood cobwebbed on my shelves. Some agencies even invited me to other continents to conceptualise ideas. I guess my degree in Editorial Typography from London College of Communications do impress time to time. Anyway, if you are looking for late sleeping, chocolate munching, Karate Kid (only the ones with Ralph Macchio) crane kicking creative director, I might be a right fit for you.